The latest news & updates from L.A. County WIC Data
Increasing the WIC vegetable and fruit benefits leads to more vegetable and fruit purchases
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Suggested Citation: Yepez CE, Anderson CE, Whaley SE, Ritchie LD, Tsai MM, Au LE. (2022). Increasing the WIC vegetable and fruit benefits results in large increases to both the amount and variety purchased. (Data Brief). Los Angeles, CA. Public…Learn about why WIC participants support the Cash Value Benefit (CVB) for fruits and vegetables
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Suggested Citation: Yepez CE, Ritchie LD, Anderson CE, Tsai MM, Au LE, Meza M, Whaley SE (2022). WIC participants support the extension and permanency of the Cash Value Benefit (CVB) for fruits and vegetables. (Data Brief). Los Angeles, CA. Public Health Foundation Enterprises (PHFE) WIC…Disparities in health outcomes are associated with race and ethnicity
While the events of 2020 have brought international attention to the gross disparities in health outcomes in the United States related to racial-ethnic background, decades of evidence demonstrate that these disparities are neither new nor are they limited in scope. The LA County WIC Data Mining Partnership has captured health outcome data by racial-ethnic group…
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Sugar sweetened beverage consumption among WIC children in L.A. County
Sugar sweetened beverages (SSB) are closely linked to an increased risk of childhood obesity and other associated adult chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.Our research shows that SSB consumption is substantially lower than a decade ago and that WIC children are less likely to consume sugar-sweetened beverages than other low-income children in Los…
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Food security among WIC Participants in Los Angeles County
In 2017, 40.0% of Los Angeles County WIC households were considered food insecure (low or very low food security). In comparison, only 15.7% of all households with children throughout the United Sates were food insecure in 2017. While the percent of food insecure households in Los Angeles County has fallen since 2011, the rates are over two and a half times higher among lower income WIC participants in Los Angeles County.
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